Posted by admin on July 2, 2024 in Valentine Poems |


Valentine, You’re Food For My Soul
From the moment we talked, I started to get
Feelings of hunger that couldn’t be met,
Like feelings that come when I see yummy pies,
Well, I get those feelings when I look in your eyes.
The thought of your lips makes my mouth start to water,
‘Cause they remind me of barbecue more than they oughter.
Your skin, your hair, and the rest of you brings
Thoughts of chocolate chip cookies and other good things.
When you’re near you provide scrumptious food for my soul.
You nourish me, sweetheart; You make me whole.
Keep me satisfied, stay close or I’ll pine.
I sure get hungry thinking of you, Valentine!

Be mine, and let’s nourish each other!
Silly Valentine
It’s Valentine’s day,
And it’s really quite silly;
My feelings are switching around
I’m happy, SO happy!
Then I’m feeling SO sad;
I’m gloomy, I’m joyful
Oh man, this is bad!
My body is clammy,
Then I’m in a deep sweat;
Sometimes I’m giddy,
Sometimes I fret.
I’m looking for comfort food
Deep in the frig;
Often I think
I could jump off a bridge.
What is the reason
For all the above?
It’s Valentine’s Day,
And I’m SO in love!

Timeless Valentine
As time goes by from year to year,
One thing is surely true, my dear;
Though decades come and decades go,
Just seeing you sets me aglow.
Time shifts my body; I start to sag,
When I pass a mirror, it can make me gag.
My joints all ache; I can hardly move;
Still a smile from you, and I’m in the groove.
Getting older can be a pain,
But with you along, I can’t complain.
Despite the things that we go through,
I know I’ll never stop loving you.

Your loving heart turns life to play,
As we laugh at time from day to day.
So I write this poem, and I’ll hang my sign,
Saying, “Always Be My Valentine.”
If I were…
If I were a key, I would lock you;
If lightning, then I would shock you;
If I were a pier I would dock you;
If I had a band I would rock you.
If I were a spoon, I would feed you;
If I were a house, I would deed you;
On Valentine’s Day, I must plead you,
Valentine, I really need you!

Superhero Valentine
Valentine, you’re in my dreams,
Both daytime and at night;
I dream of how you’d feel to touch,
How I’d fill you with delight.
So far my dreams have not come true;
You scarcely know I’m there.
But if I were a super hero,
Then I could make you care.
As Spider man I’d weave a web,
Lure you and catch you in it,
So you couldn’t just smile and walk away,
After talking less than a minute.
As Plastic Man my parts could stretch,
I’d form them as you desire.
We could play till we got it right;
Now that should light your fire.
As Batman I’d show you sweet mysteries
In my secret underground lair.
I’d kiss and caress you to ecstasy;
Say yes; just take my dare.
I might be the superhero you’ve dreamed;
Don’t automatically deny me.
Just put yourself in my loving hands;
You won’t be sorry; try me.
You’re my personal Wonder Woman;
Be my heroine, Valentine.
Let me show you why you should choose me,
And why you’ll love being mine.

Since My Valentine Got A Computer
Since my Valentine got a computer
My love life has taken a hit.
Nothing I say is important
Unless it’s a byte or a bit.
Before she got her new laptop,
Everything was just fine;
Now she says we can’t talk
Unless we both go online.
“But honey,” I said, “I’m attached to you;
Love is what I feel.”
“That keyword isn’t relevant,”
She said, with eyes of steel.
She clicked the keyboard furiously;
The screen was all she could see,
And then to my horror and shame,
She started describing me:
“Your motherboard needs upgrading;
Your OS needs help, too.
And you definitely need a big heat sink
To cool your CPU.”
“Don’t flame me, my sweet,” I pleaded.
“Not on Valentine’s Day.”
“Fix the bugs, and I’ll see,” she said,
While looking at me with dismay.
“What ever you want, my darling;
Whatever you need; you call it.
I’ll upload or download anything,
And then I’ll go install it.”
(Her hostile CD keeps replaying,
And though I don’t want to fight her,
Is this what I want for a Valentine?
I’ve been burned; can I rewrite her?)
“Are you all hard drive now,” I asked
“Is there no software in you?
Don’t you remember the good times?
Let our memories see us through.”
“LOL,” she said to me, chuckling.
“You’re nothing but adware.
“I’ve got four gigs of memory;
I’ve got no problem there.”
“Please, honey, we can save it,” I said.
“Our love means more than that.”
“That’s not in my cache; we’re going to crash,”
She said, as she turned me down flat.
(This woman has really changed;
Do I really want to chase her?
More and more I’m thinking
It might be nice to erase her.)
“Aw, honey, don’t talk like that,” I said.
“Can’t we just plug and play?
I hereby accept default,
And I’m yours, my love, come what may.
My goal is to make you happy;
I want to be your portal,
But your sudden, distant coldness
Would test the strongest mortal.
If we need a brand new interface,
So we can FTP,
I’m your go along, get along guy,
And I want you to stay with me.”
“If you want to get into my favorites,” she said,
And you want to get past my encryption,
If you want to get through my firewall,
Here is my only prescription.”
“First, put up your own Web site,
And e-mail me when it’s done.
I’ll check your page rank with Google,
And tell you if you’re the one.”
My life has become a real trial,
Since my Valentine got a computer.
If I want her to care about me again,
I guess I’ll have to reboot her.

The Magic Valentine Potion
I was strong and now I’m weak,
So a secret potion now I seek,
To help me balance out my life,
To help me shed this inner strife.
What torment makes me whimper deep,
That keeps me nights without much sleep,
That took the strength from muscles strong,
That makes me hear the birdie’s song.
This potion must be magic sweet,
To make me whole, again complete.
So be my potion, Valentine,
Just answer me that you’ll be mine.

I’d Like to Get to Know You
At first you were just a gleam in my eye,
Just a squiggly feeling when you would walk by.
Because you look like such a treat,
You’ve made mush of my brain, made me weak in the feet.
This can’t go on, I’ve got to find out
What you are like, or without a doubt
My breathing will cease and my heart will go bust,
And all of my mechanisms will wither to dust.
I know what I’ll do, I’ll approach you and smile–
Say, “I’m lost” or “It’s a great day” or something, or I’ll
Pass out from fright and die of remorse.
Anyway, that won’t really happen, of course.
I’ll just get up the nerve and say out of the blue…
“Hi, my name is _____ and I’d like to get to know you.”
(If you’re interested, give this Valentine poem back to me!)

Will You Be My Valentine?
For months I’ve sat and held it in,
It choked inside and hurt like sin.
It made me sweat and steam and stew,
Whenever I caught sight of you.
Thank goodness Valentine’s Day has come;
If I held it longer, it would strike me dumb.
This day I’ll say it, come rain or shine…
Will you be my Valentine?

Will You Be Mine?
Valentine, you make me silly;
You make my heart beat willy – nilly ;
When I’m with you, the world is hazy;
Valentine, you drive me crazy!
Valentine, when we’re apart,
My need for you goes off the chart.
Will you be mine? Can I be thine?
Say you’ll be my Valentine!

My Princess
Life was always quite normal and sane;
Now we’ve met and it’s weakened my brain.
My whole life now is like a story book
With a beautiful princess and villains that look
Like other men, but they’re evil and bad.
They keep trying to make my princess so sad
By keeping her from me. It’s driving me crazy
But “happily ever after” is not for the lazy.
So I’ll plan and I’ll strive till my princess can see
That her handsome, courageous, hero is me.
That’s what I dream;
To make my dreaming come true
The only thing needed is the presence of you
To be by my side, in the picture I see
As the princess I’ll love for eternity.

Everything Reminds Me Of You
I look at a tree,
And what do I see?
My Valentine’s face
Smiling back at me.
I spot a cute rock,
But, oh what a shock,
For it reminds of you
And that is no crock.
Everywhere that I turn,
My feelings just burn
With thoughts about you,
My love please don’t spurn!
Each rock and each tree,
Each cloud and each bee,
The earth and the sea,
It all reminds me…
I love you awesomely!

Valentine Zoo
I’m an animal lover, I’m happy to say.
And I love them and pet them most every day.
So for you, Valentine, I thank heaven above,
Because you’re like the creatures I love.
You‘re cuddly and cute as a warm, playful kitten,
With your animal nature, my love, I am smitten.
You walk like a lioness stalking the plain,
With your dangerous eyes and your beautiful mane.
It’s such pleasure to pet you, as you sigh and you purr,
I run my hand over you, like stroking your fur.
I’m a strong Alpha wolf, with you at my side,
Sharing love, food and shelter, and feelings of pride.
These feelings of animal love we can share,
As I find different ways to show that I care.
So won’t you please be my own private zoo?
My Valentine, I love to play with you.

You Are Special
Special people are very few;
Who is special? That would be you.
My Valentine’s Day would be so fine,
If you would be my Valentine.

You Shine
As good friends go,
You really shine.
Let’s be each others

You Are Special

Special people are very few;
Who is special? That would be you.
My Valentine’s Day would be so fine,
If you would be my Valentine.

Second to None

When we’re together,
We have such fun;
You’re second to none!


How about we two
As friends combine?
Please be my friendship
By Joanna Fuchs

As good friends go,
You really shine.
Let’s be each others


I’m glad to have a sister
Who is so nice and sweet.
As a good friend and a sister
My (name) can’t be beat!
Thanks for being such a good sister!
I love you.


If I had to have a brother (ha, ha)
I’m glad it could be you.
I’m thankful to you, (name)
For the brotherly things you do!
Thanks for being a good brother!
I love you.

You are the greatest grandpa;
We have lots of fun.
If there were a grandpa contest,
You surely would have won!
Thanks for being such a good grandpa!
I love you.

Dear Grandma, you’re so special
You do such nice things for me;
You love me just the way I am;
You make me happy as can be!
I’ve got the best grandma in the world!
I love you

I’m happy you’re my (aunt, uncle, cousin, etc.)
I hope that you can see,
I’m really glad to have you as
A part of my family!
I like you a lot and I’m glad we’re related!


Dad you are my favorite man,
And I sure want you to know,
I’ll always respect and love you, Dad
No matter how big I grow!
I’m lucky to have you as my dad!
I love you.
On Valentine’s day, I think of you, Mom;
I love you really a lot.
In my life that’s full of many good things,
You’re the very best thing I’ve got!
It’s Valentine’s Day, so I want to say,
I’m the luckiest kid anywhere;
You’re the sweetest, greatest, best mom around
And I want you to know I care!
Happy Valentine’s Day, Mom!

Without you I am lonely on a crowded street
Without you I am completely incomplete
Without you everything goes the wrong way
Without you I don’t like to listen anything or say
Without you no love song is romantic
Without you every moment is pathetic
Without you everything is not fine
Without you I can’t celebrate my Valentine
Valentine Poem by Emma

On this valentine Day
I think of the people
Who are dear to me
Whenever they are near
How much joy they bring to me
Without them life is incomplete
I wish to have you by my side this Valentine’s Day
So that I can spend some more time
With the one I love the most
Will u please be my valentine?

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